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[Solved] protected forum page help/question

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I have protected the page using simple membership plugin so users can only view the forum page by logging in. I logged in with a test account I made so I can view the forum page but it's not showing the main forum and the category that is under the main forum

It was showing before I protected the page, I have attached some screenshots to this topic showing before and after protection

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Hi @ianhaney,

So you should check that membership plugin settings, as it is the reason that logged-in users can't see the Forum content.

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@chris Ahh ok

I am using simple membership plugin and got it protecting the page, I'll check the simple membership plugin settings but thought would be to do with wpforo settings and maybe the usergroups or something else in the wpforo settings?

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@chris I looked at the settings but to be honest I'm not sure what I am looking for, is there anything you can help me look for or something I should be looking for please?

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I'm sorry, but I'm not familiar with that plugin. But let's first try deactivating that plugin and checking wpForo, if wpForo works normally, that means that the plugin conflicts with wpForo or there is an option which block wpForo content.

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@chris I deactivated the plugin and can see the forum again like I sent in the screenshot, it's just after I login that I can't see the forum, again like in the screenshot with the before and after images in the one screenshot

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@chris In the simple membership plugin settings, there is a setting that is "Force WP User Synchronization" and it says "Enable this option if you want to force the member login to be synchronized with WP user account. This can be useful if you are using another plugin that uses WP user records. For example: bbPress plugin."

Could it be worth enabling that and see if that solves the issue

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provide that plugin URL, I will try it on my test website. See what I get.

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@chris Thank you, really appreciate it. The plugin URL is and this URL is their main site

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How do you protect the page with that Membership plugin?

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@chris I go into pages->all pages on the dashboard and click edit on the forum page and at the bottom it should have simple WP membership protection and then underneath it will say do you want to protect this content with two radio buttons, select Yes, protect this content and then under that will say select the membership level that can access this content and a checkbox that has Free, check the box and click update in top right and will then need to login to view the protected content

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Ok, I made it Work,

you have to know that Using that plugin,

You have to create new Membership Levels as much as you have WordPress user Roles, synchronize them with WordPress User Roles.

In the Forum Page settings, set which Membership Level users can enter the Forum page.

And Note that Old users won't be automatically created in the Membership Plugin They need new registration.

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@chris Oh right ok, can you send me a screenshot of what you did and will match it and see if it works this end

Does that mean that users would need to register twice, one to use the directory side of the site so they can add a listing and then register again to use the forum side of the site?

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@chris Hi

I am trying to do the following but bit confused, does it mean in simple membership plugin, I have to create the same roles that are in wordpress user roles so I would need to create subscriber and then sync it?

"You have to create new Membership Levels as much as you have WordPress user Roles, synchronize them with WordPress User Roles."

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@chris I think I may have done it somehow

I changed the membership level name from Free to Subscriber then checked the checkbox that says "Force WP User Synchronization" and saved the settings and then viewed the forum page but nothing changed and was still unable to view the forums when logged in so changed the membership level name back to what it was and unchecked the "Force WP User Synchronization" checkbox and saved the settings again and thought would check the front end to make sure it's all ok still and this time I checked the forum page and I can see the forums now and create a topic, it's weird what happened but will keep a eye on it as worried it might stop working again

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I couldn't make it work correct, had problems with Admin user. And finished testing with that.

You have to clearly learn how to work with that plugin, it doesn't matter you are using wpForo or not, as you have to do the same thing for protecting any WordPress page.

Below is the plugin Documentation, it should help you with the plugin:

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@chris No worries thank you, I'll take a look at the url and learn more about it

Thank you for your time and help, really appreciate it