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[Solved] Emoji shows as a question mark.

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Hi, I seem to be having an issue where any emoji included in any topic on my forum once posted shows as a question mark. Has anyone experienced this error and how do I fix it? As you can see from the image attached, the emoji shows as a question mark every time one anyone posts.

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Hi @retrakslots,

This emoji issue is not related to wpForo.

Check your DB charset it should be utf-8 mb4

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@chris Hi Chris, Thank you for your reply. I do know how to do this. Can you give me advice on how to check this and change it ?


Many thanks.

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Navigate to Dashboard > wpForo > Tool > Database table, Find wp_wpforo_posts table, and provide a screenshot of it.

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@chris I've attached the screenshot. I also checked the DB Charset and changed this to the one provided and refreshed website cache, furthermore I also just updated to wordpress 6.1 too.

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Ok, that's the reason that the Emojis don't show correctly.

Check this topic, there is written what to do to change the Charset:

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I had a Query error when using Emoji in my post.

I followed the instructions hère

I upgrade from utf8mb3_unicode_ci to utf8mb4_unicode_ci.

Now i dont have errors any more but instead of showing my emoji, it shows "????"

I use WP 6.11 / WPFORO 2.1.6 / 10.6.12-MariaDB

Is there a way to display the emoji instead off ????


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Create a page in WP, and insert emojis, if you get the same question marks, then It's not about wpForo, the issue is related to your hosting.

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@chris, it's ok now emojis are showing. 

But my Emoji addon do not work.When i click on the emoji button at the bottom right, nothing happens


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Answered at Gvectors Forum Topic:

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@chris Thanks ! It works well now