I just migrated the forum from bbpress, but after rechecking the topics, some become 400 Bad Request. At first, I thought it was about the language, but I have already installed [Longer Permalink] plugins and some with the longer topics work as well. So, I don't think language is a problem here. Can you check what's going on?
One that works >>
One that doesn't work >>
After I tried many things, I guess there is a problem with the permalink and special characters of my language: Thai. But I can't deduce why some links work and some links do not. Some longer permalink works and some shorter permalink does not.
I asked the hosting provider and they said there is a malfunction on the javascript as follows.
The attempt to bind "/forum/we-share/%e0%b8%88%e0%b8%b0%e0%b8%97%e0%b8%b3%e0%b8%a2%e0%b8%b1%e0%b8%87%e0%b9%84%e0%b8%87%e0%b8%96%e0%b9%89%e0%b8%b2%e0%b8%ab%e0%b8%b1%e0%b8%a7%e0%b8%ab%e0%b8%99%e0%b9%89%e0%b8%b2%e0%b8%84%e0%b8%99%e0%b9%80%e0%b8%81%e0%b9%88%e0%b8%b2%e0%b9%84%e0%b8%a1%e0%b9%.../index.html" in the workspace failed as this URI is malformed.
Could you tell me what went wrong?
Sorry, https://wordpress.org/plugins/cyr2lat/ doesn't seem to work with the Thai Language.
As for existing topics, I did as you instructed but it still doesn't work.