I don't know what may be wrong, but every time I want to logon here.. I have to go through the 'Change Password' routine.. EVERY TIME... I thought at first that it was because of the passwords I was choosing... However, as you know, upon changing your password here you are allowed on. but for me, when I return and using the same password I just created... Well, I've locked myself out TWICE trying to get back on.
It's like a broken loop or something.
I login and log out here daily, i do that same thing in my wpForo forums, i do the same in some other people wpForo forums, and i have never seen what you describe.
Apparently this comes from your side.
Hi @estacey19,
This is not a bug, this even doesn't have any relation to wpForo.
We use Loginizer plugin here. It controls login attempt and prevents Brute Force attacks on login forms. This is the reason of your issues. We just reset all logs of this plugin. Try to login again.
WELL folks..
It happened AGAIN today... in fact it happens EVERY single TIME I try to access this page! I use Loginzer as well, this isn't a LOGINIZER problem..
Just happened AGAIN! - I surrender,
Along with the problem I'm having with TIME ZONES... I'm changing Forum Software . Won't bother you folks anymore.