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wpForo 1.x.x [Closed] Adding members to multiple usergroups?

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As  a simplified example of what I am trying to do... If I have the following forum structure:

(Category) For Trainers only

    (Forum) Product 1 Trainers

    (Forum) Product 2 Trainers

    (Forum) Product 3 Trainers

I can set up 3 usergroups: Product1Trainers, Product2Trainers, and Product3Trainers--then restrict access to each forum to specific usergroups. So far so good.

But if a particular member is a trainer for two or more products, I would need to make them a member of two or more usergroups... and can't see how to do that!

Is it possible? Does it require an additional plugin?

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I'm sorry but wpForo doesn't have multi-usergroup option yet. We'll add it in near future releases. At the moment you should create a another new Usergroups for Dual and Triple forum accesses. For exampl:

  • Product-1-2-Trainers
  • Product-1-3-Trainers
  • Product-2-3-Trainers
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I'm sorry to hear that. There are many things I like about wpForo...but the lack of that feature may require that I look for another solution.

You suggested work-around is one that I have considered. With only 3 forums, it would require 7 usergroups (which is manageable); with 4 forums, it would take 15; with 5 forums, it would take 31; and I have a few more than that.


Posts: 10587
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Joined: 9 years ago

I'm sorry but I have no other clue for you. I'll update this topic once the multi-usergroup feature is added.