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wpForo 1.x.x [Closed] As an admin, cancel all of a user's subscriptions?

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Joined: 7 years ago

We're using wpForo for a private forum where members are temporary. Currently when a member leaves their usergroup is changed to guest to prevent them from accessing the forum without deleting their posts. Generally, that is good enough to prevent them from reading or writing posts.

The problem is their subscriptions are still active - they are still emailed when a subscribed topic has a new reply. What is the best way to cancel their subscriptions or prevent them from working?

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Posts: 5090
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Joined: 7 years ago

Hi  whoami, 

I'm sorry, but there is no any option for this purpose.

I suggest you do it manually. 

Backup all tables of your WordPress website database. Then execute this SQL command in Hosting Service cPanel > phpMyAdmin > Your Website Database > SQL tab:

DELETE FROM `wp_wpforo_subscribes` WHERE `userid` = USER_ID

USER_ID  ID of the user whose subscriptions you would like to remove.