I need some help please, I want to create a website where I have 2 kind of users:
- Experts (who are people of my company)
- Regular Users
The functionality is that the regular users can go to the profile page of each Expert and can ask (if logged in) something to that expert, then the expert is notified and can answer the question. Everything (the questions and the answers) are visible for everybody, like a forum but only for that expert, so if yo go to another expert profile yo have another questions and replies from the other expert.
Is that possible with this plugin? HELP please!! Thanks so much.
Hi @dcanedo,
Please check out wpForo Private Messages addon:Β
So you'll have a public forum and will allow users to ask private questions to Experts.Β
I'd also suggest you read this FAQ: https://wpforo.com/community/faq/wordpress-user-roles-wpforo-usergroups-and-forum-accesses/
Here Robert provides detailed info about wpForo Usergroups, Forum Accesses, and WordPress User Roles.
Thanks so much for your reply and the links, it's very interesting, but I think I dindn't explain good. I don't want to have private messages I just want a different "sub-forum" per each expert, so if you go to his profile, you only see the questions asked to him and if you go to another expert page you see the questions asked to that other Expert. I mean, different profile per each expert and you find in each expert the answers and you can ask to each expert separately at his profile. Please help!!
Thanks so much!!
Sofy! Thanks a lot for your help! I've been working since you reply me in that structure and works fine, but now I have a problem, everybody can respond to others questions, and I want only the expert (who is already the moderator for this forum/subforum) can reply. There is any option to disable the reply otion for a group of users? Where? Thanks a lot!!!
Please see my suggestions below:
1. You can set all topics private by default so only the high-level users and topic creator will be able to see those topics.Β
More info here: https://wpforo.com/community/how-to-and-troubleshooting-2/set-all-topics-to-private-by-default/
2. Ask the users not to answer on other member's posts.Β
3. Force all posts to be moderated, so the moderators can delete the replies if those do not belong to topic creators.
We'll discuss with our team and add a new CAN, that'll not allow other members to reply under other member's topics.Β Β