We are currently experiencing an issue with the forum hosted on our website apps2fusion.com, which is primarily used for addressing training-related queries. Over the past few days, the forum has not been loading properly.
To troubleshoot, we have taken the following steps:
1.Restarted the server
2.Updated the forum plugin
Unfortunately, despite these, the issue remains unresolved. I have attached a screenshot for your reference.
We kindly request your technical assistance to help resolve this problem as soon as possible.
Your prompt response and support would be greatly appreciated.
Please check for any console errors. You can do this by pressing F12 to open the developer tools, then, navigate to the console tab. After clicking the 'Load more topics' button, any errors will be displayed there.
and also exclude all wpForo pages from WP Rocket Cache
read >> wpForo and Cache Plugins
use both Options = with and without (.*)/
only with (.*)/ seems not to work correctly with wpForo
/community/ /community/(.*)/