Where can I find the setting for automatic approval of forum posts please? I don't see it anywhere in the settings. Alternatively, send me your url link to this setting (it should be the same). Thank you very much in advance.
Please navigate to Dashboard > Forums > Usergroups admin page, edit the Usergroups and enable the "Can pass moderation" permission.
Next, check the setting located in the Dashboard > wpForo > Settings > Spam Protection admin page. More info here: https://wpforo.com/docs/wpforo-v2/settings/spam-protection/#wpforo-spam-control
Thank you very much. It works now, but I'm having trouble setting the default forum root page. I have the /forum/ path set in the navigation, but there is also the /community/ path that I would like to change to /forum/ (website: www.c-strike.sk) And sorry if I can't write it here this new problem.