I have a spammer who keeps signing up using the same email, but different user names. I have banned the accounts, and deleted some, but they keep coming back and making more accounts.
How can I stop this from happening? Is it possible to ban the email address?
And if a member is banned from the forum, surely that email address should not be able to make an account again?
Any help is massively appreciated 🙂
If i inderstand correctly you want to ban everyone from "@domain.com" ?
If so, check BanHammer plugin.
He seems to be using a different email each time. I have found his IP, is it possible to ban some via ip on wpforo?
ok, you posted differently in the start.
You can ban an IP via Cpanel of your account or easily via .htaccess.
Works well for me: https://wordpress.org/plugins/stop-spammer-registrations-plugin/