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wpForo 1.x.x [Closed] Ban email adress

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Posts: 1185
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Joined: 5 years ago

I have a spammer who keeps signing up using the same email, but different user names. I have banned the accounts, and deleted some, but they keep coming back and making more accounts. 

How can I stop this from happening? Is it possible to ban the email address? 

And if a member is banned from the forum, surely that email address should not be able to make an account again? 

Any help is massively appreciated 🙂 

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Posts: 2615
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Joined: 4 years ago

If i inderstand correctly you want to ban everyone from "" ?

If so, check BanHammer plugin.

Posts: 1185
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He seems to be using a different email each time. I have found his IP, is it possible to ban some via ip on wpforo? 

Posts: 2615
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ok, you posted differently in the start.

You can ban an IP via Cpanel of your account or easily via .htaccess.

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Noble Member
Posts: 1185

@dimalifragis thanks man 🙂 ill do that. 

The problem is, when they sign up their username shows as newest members even if the account isn't activated. If a user didnt show on the newest members section of the footer until they confirm their account that would be cool 🙂 

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Posted by: @verek

Works well for me:

Works most of the part but extrememly heavy.


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