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wpForo 1.x.x [Closed] [BUG] Typos in language file

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I am translating the plugin in French because the current translation is crappy.

I noticed a few typos in the english strings from the wpforo.pot POT file from wpf-languiages folder :


"wpForo PageID doesn't exist. Forums will not be loaded, please read this" (missing space between page and ID)
"suppor topic" (missing t)
"New UserGroup" (missing space between user and group)
"Error: please inset some text to report." (missing r in insert)
"Can delete own replay" (typo in reply)
"Inactive users are the account owners who have no topics, posts, comments and subscriptions for new content. In 99% cases this kind of accounts are being registered by Spammers. This tool allows you to only keep active and known inactive users." (% should be replaced with HTML entities %)
"Front - Can view member ocumpation" (typo in ocupation)
"Front - Can view member signatur" (missing e)

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More :

"Are you sure you whant to DELETE this item?" > "Are you sure you whant to DELETE this item?" (typo in want)

"Add a new SubForum" > "Add a new sub-forum" (you use sub-forum everywhere)

"Subforums" > "Sub-forums" (same)

"Please login into facebook and then click connect button again" > "Please login into Facebook and then click connect button again" (capitalize Facebook)

"New language successfully added and changed  wpforo language to new language" (two spaces before wpforo)

"Front - Can have signatur" > "Front - Can have signature" (missing e)

"Front - Can view member ip address" > "Front - Can view member IP address" (capitalize IP... acronym)

"WordPress Foum plugin. wpForo is a full-fledged forum solution for your " > "WordPress Forum plugin. wpForo is a full-fledged forum solution for your " (missing r in forum)

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This file aslso lacks the "Welcome to wpForo 1.4.5" title from the welcome message on the plugin dashboard page. It's harcoded (doesn't use WP language function)

The title of the "Forum Persmissions" metabox in the forum edit page is also missing from the filebecause irt's also hardcoded.

The title of the settings page "Forum Settings" also fails to use the translated string.

The text "Can approve/unapprove content" at line 50 of file class-forums.php is also missing a translation.

"Can Attach File" is set with caps in wpf-phrases.php but is used without caps (Can attach file) in class-forums.php line 54... rendering the translation not working.

The link "More info »" from the first tab of the settings page is also missing from the translation file.

The string "Can view attached files" line 55 of class-forums.php is not in the translation file too. Same story for "Can create poll", "Can vote poll", "Can view poll result".

Line 66 of features.php, the "Thank you!" text is hardcoded.

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Hi tristanleboss,

Thank you for letting us know. We'll check this and fix in future releases.

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Here is some screenshots of the untranslatable strings using PO/Mo files:

The strings from the Settings > API page can't be translated because you used the __e function without specifying a domain. Correct usage is __e("text", "domain") so it should be __e("text", "wpforo")

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