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wpForo 1.x.x [Solved] Can I disable statistics on front page?

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Posts: 13
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Joined: 6 years ago

My forum needs to be hidden except for logged in users.

Everything seems ok and I have "Show Forum Statistic" as no.

However on the home page it still shows statistics such as Latest Post and Newest member.

If an unlogged in visitor to the front page clicks on that Latest Post they can view it even though that forum should have no access for non-logged in viewers?

I've then deleted that page but even now it shows in the Statistics and can still be read by non-logged in users!

How can I completely delete the post?

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Posts: 13
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Eminent Member
Joined: 6 years ago

finally the ability to read the page does seem to have stopped but it still shows in the Statistics and the staistics are still showing on the front page?

Turns out this is a caching issue from the W3 Total Cache plugin.

Sorted now.