Aug 15, 2021 7:38 am
I have added a second category but when going to the page with the [wpforo] shortcode I still only see the first category. How do I see all categories on the same page as the top level ?
2 Replies
Aug 16, 2021 9:19 am
Hi @russ2204,
I assume you have created top level categories without child forums in them. If a category (blue panels) does not have forums (gray panels) it will not be displayed on the front-end. Each category should contain at least one forum.
Please read the top information box in Dashboard > Forums > Forums page.
Also, please make sure your Forum page is excluded from cache plugin, check this topic about cache plugin:
Aug 16, 2021 11:52 am
Thanks - yep just figured that out too 🙂