Hi there,
I am trying to set the default forum access for the Guests user group to no access, but can't get that to work.
The default access is set to read_only, but I want to change that to no access. In the documentation it says that this should be possible, but I cannot change the default access for a new group. If I create a new group, I can set it, but cannot change it once it is set.
So my question is: how do I set the default access level for guests to no_access instead of read_only?
Secundary question is: how do you completely block access for all non-registered users to the forum?
I reallize that this could be a newby question, but I could not find the answer after having searched the docs and forums for over an hour.
I use the latest Dutch version of Wordpress and Ultimate Member. Everything fully updated.
Hi @epimetheus,
So my question is: how do I set the default access level for guests to no_access instead of read_only?
Please navigate to the Dashboard > Forums > Forums > admin page, edit each forum one by one and change the guest access as you need. See the screenshot below:
Secundary question is: how do you completely block access for all non-registered users to the forum?
If you set the "No Access" for Guests usergroup, all users who are in Guests Usergroup will not be able to view that forum and topics in that forum. Because the "No Access" forum access permissions are set this way by default:
- NO Can view forum
- NO Can view topic
- NO Can view replies
You can find all permissions of No Access forum access in Dashboard > Settings > Forum Access > No Access (edit) screen.
More info here: https://wpforo.com/community/faq/wordpress-user-roles-wpforo-usergroups-and-forum-accesses/