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wpForo 1.x.x [Closed] Change default access for Guests user group

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Hi there,

I am trying to set the default forum access for the Guests user group to no access, but can't get that to work.

The default access is set to read_only, but I want to change that to no access. In the documentation it says that this should be possible, but I cannot change the default access for a new group. If I create a new group, I can set it, but cannot change it once it is set.

So my question is: how do I set the default access level for guests to no_access instead of read_only?

Secundary question is: how do you completely block access for all non-registered users to the forum?

I reallize that this could be a newby question, but I could not find the answer after having searched the docs and forums for over an hour.

I use the latest Dutch version of Wordpress and Ultimate Member. Everything fully updated.


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Hi  @epimetheus,

So my question is: how do I set the default access level for guests to no_access instead of read_only?

Please navigate to the Dashboard > Forums > Forums > admin page, edit each forum one by one and change the guest access as you need. See the screenshot below:

Secundary question is: how do you completely block access for all non-registered users to the forum?

If you set the "No Access" for Guests usergroup, all users who are in Guests Usergroup will not be able to view that forum and topics in that forum. Because the "No Access" forum access permissions are set this way by default:

  • NO Can view forum
  • NO Can view topic
  • NO Can view replies

You can find all permissions of No Access forum access in Dashboard > Settings > Forum Access > No Access (edit) screen.

More info here:

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@alvina Thanks for the answer. I had already figured out how to change guest access for individual forums. But I still cannot change the default settings for the guests group...
If I go to Forums, usergroups and edit the Guests usergroup, there is no option to link it to a user role. This option is available for other groups. That is what confused me.

I guess you simply cannot set the role for the guests group to 'Blocked'. Correct?

I have also figured out how to block direct access to the main forum page for non-registered users. That is done through the page that contains the actual forum.

Reason for my confusion is probably that I am more familiar with Joomla, and Wordpress access rights are completely different to Joomla's...

anyway, your information has helepd me to solve the problem, and that is what counts.

Thanks for the support!

(and yes, I will leave a positive review, as wpforo is a nice forum tool!)

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Hi @epimetheus,

By default, the Guest usergroup has "Read Only" forum access in all forums, unless you've not changed it manually. So, editing the Read Only forum access in Dashboard > Forums > Settings > Forum Access Tab is the right way to manage Guest usergroup access in all forums:

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@robert So we get back to my original question: how do I change the 'Read Only' default for Guest groups manually, which you state is possible.

I know I can set all the individual settings by editing the 'No Access' Acces Name in the screen shown, but I cannot add any groups to this access name.


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I've already answered your question above. It seems we don't understand each other. As I already explained the default Forum Access of the Guest usergroup is the Read Only access and it's set to all forums. So, changing the Read Only access permission will affect all guests in all forums, except the forums you've manually edited and changed the Guest forum access to other.

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@robert The default is 'Read Only'.  I want to change that default to 'No Access'.


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You just need to go to the Dashboard > Forums > Forums admin page, edit the forum you want, and change the "Read Only" access to "No Access" for guests. Screenshot below:

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@alvina That changes the access level for an individual forum. It does not change the  default for all new forums...

I mean, i have to change this for each and every forum. The sole purpose of having default values is that all forums you create will be setup with these default values. Yous set these default values once and all new forums will be created according to these defaults. I want to be able to change those default values, so i do not have to change each and every forum I create.

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Ok, no I see you. I'm sorry but the preset Usergroup <> Forum Access is always the same for all forums, you should manage and change those manually. There is no way to change it.

The default set is always this:

  • Admin - Full Access
  • Moderator - Moderator
  • Registered - Standard Access
  • Guest - Read Only
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@epimetheus @alvina I agree 1000%. Default values for guest access to read only is not good at all, and we have already had embarrassing situations where the topics are public. With GDPR and privacy issues so important, I am surprised this is left on to read only by default. There must be a workaround or an addon maybe. We are using learndash and integrated the forums with it, and only customers and students of a course should see any posts. This really should be a fundamental and basic feature to have no guest read only access.


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@knowledgearc Exactly. I simply want to avoid people (including myself) creating a forum that can be accessed by guests, by accident. Not being able to set the defaults according to my own standards means that I will have to check and manually correct the settings of a new forum. And according to Murphy's law: if anything can go wrong it will.

And that is simply not good enough in these days of GDPR and porivacy issues.

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As Robert already mentioned in the post above the preset Usergroup > Forum > Access is always the same for all forums, you should manage and change those manually. There is no way to change it.

The default access for Guest - Read Only