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[Solved] Complicated user registration process

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I was having a similar issue after the update and had to go in and fix my menu links. For some reason they stopped working. I had to change them to the %wpforo% based links otherwise it would just cycle the login page.over and over even tho you would get logged in.

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No, my situation is somewhat different, these are Google reCAPTCHA m3 plugins (many!) we had a conflict, we had to abandon them. And from the very beginning (more than two years ago) I started using the same links in the menu that you switched to. Everything works flawlessly, the update did not make any confusion. That's just caching plugins interfere with the normal operation of the menu, they also had to be abandoned. So far, I just switched to a faster server. People say that WP - Rocket allows you to process menus correctly, but my innate stinginess does not allow me to spend $100 every year on some kind of caching. 🤣 

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Posted by: @adler11


That's just caching plugins interfere with the normal operation of the menu, they also had to be abandoned. So far, I just switched to a faster server. People say that WP - Rocket allows you to process menus correctly, but my innate stinginess does not allow me to spend $100 every year on some kind of caching. 🤣 

Caching plugins do not interfere with anything, if correctly used and tuned. Not used in wpForo (for several reasons) but with the rest of Wordpress site are very helpful, especially if you have a small hosting plan or huge traffic.

And to be honest, never understood this "WP ROCKET" hype.

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That is why i never use recaptcha. I use this and works miracles, with Images/Icons.

A bit old, works great with WP 6.x and wpForo2.

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I installed it for myself. But my input window is inactive! When you try to enter the desired number, the input window turns yellow, the numbers are not displayed. And I would like to! I liked the idea. What could be the problem?

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@adler11 I have no idea, can you try Icons instead of math?

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The icons started working right away, but I wanted arithmetic. I'm a good mathematician at heart! 😎  Now I'll try the other options as well.

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Posted by: @adler11


The icons started working right away, but I wanted arithmetic. I'm a good mathematician at heart! 😎  Now I'll try the other options as well.

Ok, that issue could be some css thingy, i don't know.

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Image Captcha and IconCaptcha work perfectly! I didn't check Google v2 for obvious reasons 🙂 But: with a login - perfect, with registration - an old story. Throws it into the login form. I tried disabling the captcha in the registration form - it didn't help. THE VERY PRESENCE OF the plugin interferes with normal operation. Almost any Captcha plugin! Maybe these plugins conflict with others? For example, I have installed almost all imaginable addons for wpForo and wpDiscuz. But I'm not ready to give up other plugins for the sake of a captcha. Therefore, we will have to wait for built-in solutions. 🙁 

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@adler11 Pitty. I use that plugin in 2 sites, with wpForo. One site of them, has tones of plugins and never saw an issue.

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Have you tried to register a new user yourself and see how it happens? I've been sure for two years that v3 works fine for me, because everything is super with login! But only yesterday I tried to register new users and was unpleasantly surprised. Now I understand why I have a lot of new users who have not written a single post! They just didn't log in. And just left the forum. I do not exclude the fact that I was so unlucky with the captcha 🙁  In any case, I am sincerely grateful to you for your ideas and advice! Thank you for your time!

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@adler11 Register a new user where? What do you mean?

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@dimalifragis On your own website, register a new user yourself (invent a nickname yourself, specify a different email address. It is possible - a fictitious address, if the confirmation of registration by email is disabled in the forum settings). And then the whole registration process is easy to feel for yourself 🙂 This is the only way I found out that my new users after registration do not remain logged in, as it should be on websites, but get to the login form, where they must ONCE AGAIN enter the login and password just specified during registration. And only then they will be logged in. It is clear that no one wants to enter their data twice, if only because they do not remember them. Counting on autocomplete, naive 🙂

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@adler11 The sites have daily new people coming in, we have zero issues, 100% working right.

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It is very good. So, I have some plugins installed that do not like third-party recaptcha. By the way, I just connected the built-in Google v2 for the sake of interest and it works absolutely correctly, registration goes as it should. New users are logged in immediately. Here are some interesting cases. So, I leave the built-in v2, I will wait for the developers to change it to v3. Of course, from time to time we will have to observe disgusting indistinct Google pictures with fire cranes and other pieces of goodness, but we are patient people, aren't we? 😉 

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