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wpForo 1.x.x [Solved] Customizing user reg and notification emails

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Thank you @anonymous20 

I was a great fan of Shield when they first came out. Paul is great with support etc however, on many of my websites that plugin [in spite of his promise this will never happen!] caused white screen of death upon some update especially a shield update, on many occasions, and also compatibility issues with the best caching plugin I ever tested - paid on - WP Rocket which I use on all my sites since 2y.

Shield still is on a few but only on insignificant sites with very few plugins.

It has terrific set of features - and a terrible likelihood for something to go wrong as too many features can make conflicts if one is not an expert in configurating it all and has an eCom site or a host of other functionality.

For example, it made issues with WooCommerce because I changed the login page URL in Shield and then also endless issues with lost password functionality and much more. My customers were always complaining till I switched to ITS.

iThemes security has many defects and vulnerabilities from time to time [as does popular Yoast SEO {on some sites I use SEO Framework plugin - faster, lighter and just as great] and other plugins or even WP core] and not ideal on its own, but for free plugin options this is what I use. Custom login page here never makes issues for me. No issues with caching plugins etc. No dead sites upon auto updates and hassles to fix issues.

Not wanting to pay tens of dollars a month per each website with Sucri [best protection option], I host with LiquidWeb and use CloudFlare [CF] plus iThemes security [ITS] along with Blackhole for Bad Bots and Block Bad Queries (BBQ) plugins. Plus Companion Auto Update  plugin. 

Much much better than Akismet is the WP-SpamShield. Now a paid plugin but worth its salt. Lighter and better than Akismet. No need for any captchas/recaptchas that annoy users. Never any time wasting spam gets through. 

CF provides me a free SSL cert and WP Rocket clears caches very well from CF too. Rocket + CF is amazing blazing fast site speed. And add Heartbeat control plugin, Complete Analytics Optimization Suite (CAOS) [local hosting of analytics] and 404 Solution. 



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And after discussing with them further, they suggested:

Additional thoughts: In this case, the real issue seems to be that the wpForo form ignores the fact that other plugins may need to hook into the registration form. They could format their CSS in such a way that any extra fields would look the same as the default fields. I would recommend that they adjust their form CSS to make sure that if another plugin hooks into the registration form, their would not be any issues. You also can manually add CSS to format the fields if you like.

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@Robert please check the documentation here. The WP Spamshield team would be glad to work alongside to help resolve this issue. (Re: WP-SpamShield Support - Compatibility issue with wpForo reg form | TICKET: WP333C793F2860B590)

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Posted by: mamamia

@Robert please check the documentation here. The WP Spamshield team would be glad to work alongside to help resolve this issue. (Re: WP-SpamShield Support - Compatibility issue with wpForo reg form | TICKET: WP333C793F2860B590)

Hi mamamia,

Thank you very much for helping us make it compatible. I'm really sorry but that's too hard to learn and use Spamshield functions. It's dozens time easier to make it compatible from Spamshield  side. wpForo Registration form is a simple form, we don't have any specific functions and algorithms. wpForo form is the same WordPress form. So it's very easy to understand from Spamshield  side.

We got dozens of urgent tasks so it's also hard to find time for learning Spamshield  functions. We may take a look on this in wpForo 2.x.x versions when all urgent tasks is done and if the incompatibility issue is not  fixed by Spamshield.

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so that issue is same with changing subject line of user registration email?

subject line says [SITE NAME] Login Details

one of our user got that email but its marked with red warning

maybe because of the word "Login"

i want change that but where ? canot find it anywhere

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i found the reason for this

its because the FROM EMAIL DOMAIN is not same as our WEBSITE DOMAIN

we have not buy yet email for domain, we are using a different email domain

and your solution tell us to use

how to do that?

if we change that, we canot authenticate corect?

it need client id, secret, and authorization

please tell me solution

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The email has no any relation to the authentication, you can change it whenever you want.

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