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[Closed] Does wpForo version 2.0.5 fix the site crash we had the other day?

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I'm the webmaster for a large site making extensive use of wpForo, which we've deactivated for several days awaiting assurance that re-activating wpForo 2.0.5 (just updated from 2.0.3 since there haven't been any further updates for a while) and re-activating the other related wpForo plugins (see details below) won't break the site again. Have regression (and/or other) tests been done to confirm that the fatal error evidently (perhaps related to wpForo Embeds 2.0.13) has been resolved? Please advise ASAP. THANKS! 🙂

There is also a related sub-domain (development site) that I just recovered from being down by deactivating all wpForo plugins in recovery mode, then exiting recovery mode. When wpForo is stable, we can do a test on this dev site first.

Please advise ASAP when it is safe to re-activate the de-activated plugins below. THANKS!


### wp-core ###
version: 6.0.1

### wp-active-theme ###
name: Outreach Pro (outreach-pro)
version: 3.1
author: StudioPress
parent_theme: Genesis (genesis)

### wp-parent-theme ###
name: Genesis (genesis)

Current ACTIVE plugins:

AddToAny Share Buttons: version: 1.8.5, author: AddToAny, Auto-updates disabled
All-in-One WP Migration: version: 7.62, author: ServMask, Auto-updates enabled
All-in-One WP Migration Dropbox Extension: version: 3.69, author: ServMask, Auto-updates enabled
Classic Editor: version: 1.6.2, author: WordPress Contributors, Auto-updates enabled
Contact Form Email: version: 1.3.31, author: CodePeople, Auto-updates enabled
Duplicate Page: version: 4.4.9, author: mndpsingh287, Auto-updates enabled
Easy Updates Manager: version: 9.0.13, author: Easy Updates Manager Team, Auto-updates enabled
Featured Images in RSS for Mailchimp & More: version: 1.5.9, author: 5 Star Plugins, Auto-updates enabled
Genesis Simple Hooks: version: 2.3.0, author: StudioPress, Auto-updates enabled
Genesis Simple Share: version: 1.1.5, author: StudioPress, Auto-updates enabled
Google Analytics Dashboard for WP (GADWP): version: 7.7.0, author: ExactMetrics, Auto-updates enabled
InfiniteWP - Client: version: 1.9.8, author: Revmakx, Auto-updates enabled
List category posts: version: 0.86.1, author: Fernando Briano, Auto-updates enabled
MetaSlider: version: 3.27.8, author: MetaSlider, Auto-updates enabled
Redirection: version: 5.3.2, author: John Godley, Auto-updates disabled
Simple Sitemap: version: 3.5.7, author: David Gwyer, Auto-updates disabled
Simple Social Icons: version: 3.1.1, author: StudioPress, Auto-updates enabled
TablePress: version: 1.14, author: Tobias Bäthge, Auto-updates disabled
Wordfence Security: version: 7.6.0, author: Wordfence, Auto-updates enabled
WP Rollback: version: 1.7.1, author:, Auto-updates enabled
WP Sitemap Page: version: 1.9.1, author: Tony Archambeau, Auto-updates enabled

Current INACTIVE plugins:

wpForo: version: 2.0.5, author: gVectors Team, Auto-updates disabled
wpForo - User Custom Fields: version: 2.0.7, author: gVectors Team, Auto-updates disabled
wpForo Advanced Attachments: version: 2.1.2, author: gVectors Team, Auto-updates disabled
wpForo Embeds: version: 2.0.13, author: gVectors Team (A. Chakhoyan and R. Hovhannisyan), Auto-updates disabled
wpForo Private Messages: version: 1.4.1, author: gVectors Team, Auto-updates disabled

2 Replies
Posts: 2603
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Joined: 5 years ago

Hi, i have no idea what your crash was about, but you must update ALL addons for wpForo to version 3.x, all 4 of them.

After that you will have no issues. You must update FIRST the addons and then activate wpForo 2.0.5

Posts: 10587
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Joined: 9 years ago


This is the right instruction to start, the key moment is deactivating old addons, deleting them and installing new 3.0.x version of addons: