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wpForo 1.x.x [Closed] Error when changing Forum Color Styles

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Every time I choose and update the Forum Color Styles Options, the colors.css file is over written with the following and I end up with no CSS styling at all: 

                #wpfa_dialog #wpfa_dialog_items .wpfa-error .fa, 
                #wpfa_dialog #wpfa_dialog_items .wpfa-error .fas, 
                #wpfa_dialog #wpfa_dialog_items .wpfa-error .fab, 
                #wpfa_dialog #wpfa_dialog_items .wpfa-error .far, 
                #wpfa_dialog #wpfa_dialog_items .wpfa-error .fal, 
                #wpfa_dialog #wpfa_dialog_items .wpfa-error, 
                #wpfa_dialog #wpfa_dialog_items .wpfa-item-col-error{ color: #f46464; }
                #wpfa_dialog .wpfa-button{ background-color: #33779b; border-color: #777777; }
                #wpfa_dialog .wpfa-button.wpfa-button-add-to-post{ background-color: #86ba4c; border-color: #6fa634; }
                #wpfa_dialog .wpfa-button.wpfa-button-cancel{ background-color: #bcbcbc; border-color: #999999; }
                #wpfa_dialog .wpfa-button.wpfa-button-delete{ background-color: #ff7575; border-color: #f46464; }

Is there a fix for this?
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I have since uninstalled and reinstalled both wpforo and wpforo advanced attachments and now I have a blank zero bytes colors.css file on the server. 

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I've over come this by replacing colors.css file on my server and disabling write access to stop the scripts from erasing it. Not ideal but the only solution I have found.

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Hey wpforo, this is a serious problem for me. 

Every time I make public_html/wp-content/plugins/wpforo/wpf-themes/classic/colors.css writeable, it is overwritten as in the image attached and becomes useless. I loose all styling. My only work around is to set the file permissions to 444 (unwritable). This is not a good solution as I cannot edit the colours of my forum as intended. Can anyone assist me please?

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Hi @brettd,

Please set back the colors.css file to 644. Then refresh the file manager and make sure it's set 644, then delete it. If you have some security plugins please disable those, bay be they don't allow file generating or file writing in your /wp-contnet/plugins/ directory. Make sure you don't have any .htaccess files which stops file writing then navigate to Dashboard > Forums > Settings > Styles admin page and click on [Update Options] button. Once colors and the style options are updated you can refresh the file system and check the colors.css. To see the colors on front-end you should, delete all caches and press Ctrl+F5 on forum page.

If this doesn't helped please disable wpForo Advanced Attachment addon and do all steps again.

In any case please navigate to Dashboard > Forums > Tools > Debug and check the [Server] and [Errors & Issues] tabs.


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Thank you @robert,

I went through all steps and I found that there is a conflict with WP eMember Captcha (Version v1.1 | By Tips and Tricks HQ | ).

When WP eMember Captcha plugin is activated, the wpForo plugin does not write or create the colors.css file on the server when Update Options is clicked on the Forums > Settings > Styles page. Also, the wpForo plugin writes or creates a blank (null) colors.css file on the server when the forum is refreshed on the front end. The wpForo Advanced Attachments plugin seems to works correctly and appends its styles to the blank or empty file created by wpForo.

Everything works fine when WP eMember Captcha plugin is deactivated. 

Posts: 10587
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Great finding! Thank you for letting us know.