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wpForo 1.x.x [Solved] Forum and sub forum problem

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Congratulations a very good plugin !

But I have problems with parameters

Forum with sub forum
The description of the Forum does not appear when there is a sub-forum - same presentation as with the option "use as category" (extended mode)How to display it?

Forum title
How to align left ?

before the list it is in french : FR  ous-forum   instead of  Sous-Forum

The Like mode is activated but does not appear?
(Admin test version only one user / does this only appear for other users?

Icone Forum
I create a forum on ecology and there are very few icons on Font Awesome
  on this theme. Is it possible to add our own icons?

Thank's for your help
Best regards

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Hi @tara974,

Forum with sub forum
The description of the Forum does not appear when there is a sub-forum - same presentation as with the option "use as category" (extended mode)How to display it?

It seems you mean Category not Forum.

As you can see, this forum has subforums and it also has description. However the top Categories don't have descriptions, there is no way to show them yet.

Icone Forum
I create a forum on ecology and there are very few icons on Font Awesome
  on this theme. Is it possible to add our own icons?

I'm sorry but there is no way to use other icons, Font-Awesome has tons of icons you should try to use them. Maybe you have not clicked on Load More button. There are 1500 icons:


I'm sorry but I didn't understand other questions, please leave some screenshot to allow me understand.

Posts: 13
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Hi Robert thank you for your help For the icons, I recovered some links on Awesome (pity that we can not import others) For title alignment : Add capture
For Sub-forum (FR Sous-forum - the S is missing (see capture)

For the description : the better I can have is this with the description under the suf-forms(See capture)


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The title alignment issue come from your theme. Use this CSS code to fix. Delete all caches and press Ctrl+F5 on forum front-end to see the change:

#wpforo #wpforo-wrap #wpforo-title, #wpforo #wpforo-wrap h1 {
     text-align: left !important;

The missing "S" in sub-forum comes from fr_FR translation po file. Please install Loco Translate plugin and check all phrase translations. If you've already used wpForo phrase system to translate, please search for that phrase in Dashboard > Forums > Phrases admin page, edit and fix it.

For the description : the better I can have is this with the description under the suf-forms(See capture)

I'm sorry but there is no option to relocate them.

Joined: 6 years ago

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Posts: 13
Hi Robert
Fantastic ! a big thank you Robert !
Thanks for your help and you're reactivity

Have a good week

Best regards
