I have created a page named 'Home forum' and chose the full-width option too. Then I enabled covert Wordpress to WP Foro option in forum settings which enables the forum to reain as a stand alone forum.
But its arrangement seems staggered.
What do I need?
1. Remove Hello World in the Header.
2. Remove the display of created pages from the top of the header.
3. Make the forum to full width.
4. Removing the blog footer as i already have a forum footer.
This is the footer screenshot. It is like I have two footers. A blog footer and forum footer. I don't need the blog footer. How can I remove it?
I have changed the theme to Astra now. When I am switching the home page as a static page (Dashboard - Reading - Static Page) it appears like this. The footer is covering the entire content except for the header. Does anybody have the support answer for this? I get this error only when i put a static page as home page. When i am not putting the static page as homepage everything is fine.
When i disable static page, the forum becomes fine. But WordPress advises keeping the forum on a static page which creates problem for me. Can anyone help me with this? I am done with this error. I deactivated wp foro after losing hope.Now I have little hope remaining that it will be okay. Can anybody suggest me the right way?