Ok, thank you, we'll check this again and fix in next release.
Is the problem normally resolved in the recent build ? (beta 6)
i've tried but he's still here (cache delete)
Probably this is a widget cache. WordPress caches widgets. i recommend remove wpForo widgets from sidebars, delete caches and put those again.
I also have this problem. Same as above, guest has 'no access', can't view the forum, but can still see the post title in the latest posts.
For anyone else who has this issue. I made a temporary workaround.
Line 131 of wpforo.php includes:
$posts = $this->topic->get_topics( 'orderby' => 'modified', 'order' => 'DESC', 'row_count' => 1 ) );
You can add specific forums you want to pull from by adding
'forumids' => array( numbers of forum ids here seperated by commas),
In my case I used:
$posts = $this->topic->get_topics( array( 'forumids' => array( 2, 3, 5, 8, 12), 'orderby' => 'modified', 'order' => 'DESC', 'row_count' => 1 ) );