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Forum structure didn't move with WP Staging Pro

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I had no problem migrating my forum from Asgaros to wpForo on a staging site. I got everything set up and ready to go, but when I pushed the changes from the staging site to the live site using WP Staging Pro, all of the Forum settings seem to have moved over except the forum structure itself. I cleared all caches. I tried repeating the push to the live site, but nothing is working. Please advise. Both the live site and the staging site are on the same domain.

Thank you!

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Hi @sarawhitford,

Check the boards in wpForo > Boards admin page, if the boardid is not 0 then you should do some database manipulations. Use phpMyAdmin plugin or the same tool in your hosting:

  1. If you only have one board, remove all tables with numeric prefix on front of the _wpforo like wp_2_wpforo_
  2. Edit the wp_wpforo_boards table and set the boardid = 0
  3. Go to Dashboard > wpForo > Overview admin page, scroll down and click the [Delete all Caches] button.
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wpForo > Boards doesn't even have anything listed at all for the Board. (screenshot attached showing the Boards page of the live site and the staging site), however the staging site, which lives in the same database, does have a single board listed with boardid 0. The tables in the staging site have the prefix of wpstg2_, so that the tables for the working forum in the staging site begin with wpstg2_wpforo_.

I fear if I remove all tables with the numeric prefix in front, that will delete the forum altogether. 



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Please navigate to the wpForo > Tools > Database Tables Tab, find and click the [Repair] button. 

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I'm not sure if you meant I should do this on the live site or the staging site, but I did learn from WP Staging Pro plugin developers that the reason the tables weren't brought over from wpForo is because they have a different prefix than was expected by WP Staging Pro. I was able to do another push of the staging site to the live site by manually selecting the wpForo tables in the WP Staging Pro plugin for push changes. Also, I still had to go through all of the update/flush options in the wpForo overview and I did a hard flush of permalinks.


Finally, it seems to have brought over the structure.
