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wpForo 1.x.x [Closed] Frontend like comment posting without needing to register?

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I tried making it so that visitors have minimal hassles to ask a Q/add a topic, reply and participate.
While all their activity is in moderation. 
I added custom usergroup, permissions etc etc but it won't work. Forces visitor to reg or login to post.

Why and how to be able to make it like WP comments- easy to add content without reg process and waiting my approval of reg etc.

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why can't we attach with your file uploads addon here?

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Select  tools from the wpforo menu and change the settings under new registered user .

There are also other settings on that page.

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wpForo doesn't allow guests (not registered users) to like posts. The guest liking function doesn't exists.

why can't we attach with your file uploads addon here?

There is no any addon here. wpForo community only uses wpForo plugin.

I tried making it so that visitors have minimal hassles to ask a Q/add a topic, reply and participate.
While all their activity is in moderation.
I added custom usergroup, permissions etc etc but it won't work. Forces visitor to reg or login to post.

Please explain it again, i don't understand you. If you need to allow guests to post  you should edit the "Read Only" forum access in Dashboard > Forums > Settings > Forum Accesses admin page and enable forum permissions you want (can add topic, can add reply).

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@robert plz see the images i attached - i created user group, gave the permissions, attached that to user group and set it as default - rather than altering guest.  my new guest user group was set as default instead of guest. shouldn't this work? what is the point of making these custom groups/permissions if cannot set them as defaults?

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I don't understand how can a guest be user? User is a registered person. Guest is the non registered visitor. What means " my new guest user group "? If the usergroup you're talking about is related to registered users then they should have ability to like if the Like permission is enabled.

Please note, Usergroup is not responsive for Likes. Like permission is controlled by Forum Accesses. I see that you attached "Active Guest" usergroup to "Extended Visitor" Forum Access. Have you set it in Forums? Have you edited all Parent Forums (categories / blue panels) and set it?


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@robert yes Robert, I did this settings per each forum. User groups I created and their forum permissions. Would be nice if that would be set automatically. Was a hassle to manually do it again and again for 50 forums I set up! I set it in Foro settings to have the custom permission I made for the User group I made. In the category/forum creation page this widget should reflect that settings not need manual attaching each time.

Anyway, as to your question: I want to replicate a situation like in normal wordpress site, where guests can submit a comment without needing to reg and be logged in. So I want visitors to be able to do this in the forum - add a topic, reply and comment, like a reply. And then as they submit it it gets into moderation.

But I guess after all that work it won't work, since there's no field for name and email like in WP comment form. And a forum system I assume forces visitors to register first without exceptions?

So, I reverted back to setting guest as default.


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You've done an extra work. You just need to edit the Read Only access and set according permissions. That's it. Guest Usergroup is one, there is no way to create new guest usergroup. And the Guest Usergroup is attached to Read Only access in all forums. So forget about all you've done. Delete all extra usergroups and Forum Accesses. wpForo 1.4.4 was relisted especially for guest posting. Just follow to this:

Remember, there is no way to create extra usergroups for Guests. Guest only have one usergroup called Guests. And Guests are the visitors who have not logged in.


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