I think the addon has no chance to work for guests. Because it's based on logged in user Media Library. The pop-up media uploader is a user specific media library. Guests don't have account, so there is no way to open this pop-up window for guests. You can't use the attachment addon for guests.
for more questions related to addon please use gVectors Team support forum. We don't support addons here.
An issue I see - was using chrome incognito and it remembers in that session my guest post details, so I made another chrome incognito session and was the same thing. So I opened Edge browser.
Issue I see is that guest post is in moderation status [perfect!] BUT it is visible to all visitors, and if clicking on the link, we get redirected to wpForo login page. MAybe best to just show a pop notification that the topic is in moderation and even BETTER is to not at all show it, as spammers or competitors could place rude things there. If it is in moderation should not at all show - how to set it so for guests and registered users?
That's not visible for all users.
Make sure your cache is disabled for wpForo and the HTML cache is disabled in Features admin page.
Hi again.
Thanks for reply on addon. However, even the file uploader did not show in my incognito guest test when adding a topic.
How to fix this?
One more Q is pertaining to emails guest sign up with.
I tried emails like myname+1@gmail.com (which are actually valid) and ones like my somewebsite.com@gmail.com which I have for some of my websites, but your plugin refuses reg with such emails.
Please ask your dev to amend this or how can I do this? Some users may have emails like that.