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wpForo 1.x.x [Closed] Half in English, half in Polish

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My website is in Polish and I just added this plugin.
The problem is that half of the words are in English and half in Polish. 
In "Phrases" everything is in English and I cannot even change it to Polish (English is the only one available option)

Do you have any idea how can I change it?

Thanks in advance!

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Hi @askwhygod,

The Polish translation is not complete, so you see English words. You can translate any phrase you want. Just navigate to Dashboard > Forums > Phrases admin page, search for a phrase, edit it and insert the translated varion in phrase value field.

More info in doc:

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Thank you @Robert!
So I understand that there is no way to use what has been already translated and contribute to it translating the rest?

Thank you,

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Why not? Please read the doc I suggested you:


You're currently using the already translated data. Also you can add new translation phrases via Phrase system I mantioned. Also you can translate all using the standard PO/MO files with Loco Translate plugin. You can contribute to tranlate here:

There are already 1124 phrases translated but for some reason the editor don't approve those.