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Off topic [Closed] Help with user custom fields addon

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hey.. i just bought and installed the user custom fields addon on my wpforo plugin for wordpress..
i got several problem here and i really need help :

1. it says there is a feature for custom registration and profile field.. so i made some field for registration and profile form.. i got problem with the " file upload " field, i put that field on my profile and account form.. its called " sertifikat " with jpg,jpeg,png images for certificate in hope that the account owner will be able to upload a certificate image and shows in profile, 


the problem is.. that field wont showing


even if i have already upload the image in edit account


The other field are working just fine but why my "upload file" field wont show any image?
what is the purpose of " upload file " field if i can't see what ive just uploaded?


so i really apreciate any help for this, i want to make a certificate image to be shown in their profile

2. the next problem is.... i have already made my custom registration field form.. its done... and i dont want to make email as requirements because some of my user might have no email. so i make it like this



and i already set  the registration one step by disabling the "Enable User Registration email confirmation" option in Dashboard> Forums > Settings > Features admin page. so the email field will not be removed but the registration will not require email confirmation and password reset steps

BUT THE PROBLEM IS .. I STILL NEED TO FILL EMAIL FOR REGISTRATION.. even if ive done all like the image above... also The password field, i already make that field minimum text to 3 characters .. its still says that i need to fill password above 6 characters

3. The last problem is.. I ALREADY CHECK THE " ENABLE USER MANUALLY APPROVAL SYSTEM " in the wpforo setting.. but why when i try to make a test account and fill all forms including email even if i make it non requirements, then what happen is my new test account is AUTOMATICALLY APPROVED.. ?? usually i will have to go to dashboard > user > all users and then approve any account here..


any solutions for me? please guide

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Joined: 4 years ago

Hi @perisaibanten165,

We provide here wpForo plugin support not for the addons please create a new topic at gVectors Forum.