@sofy While this option looks like a solution, it's actually not. I'm having the same issue. I want to display categories with subforums and each of those subforums have their own subforms. As it stands, all subforums are currently displayed under a category, which looks like a mess with no organization. The correct structure should be a category that displays subforums. Once a subforum is selected, it should display the subforums nested within it; exactly mirroring the structure in the admin panel. This is currently not the case.
For example, I have a category that should display 3 subforums. Each of those subforums should display 0, 16, and 12 nested subforums. It currently shows a category with all 31 subforums (3 subforums and 28 nested subforums).
The reason that your posted solution is not an option is because in the example, if you use the code as is, that means it will only display the 6 latest subforums that were created. This also applies to subforums within a subform of a category, also displaying 6 latest subforms, and not all.
So this is how it currently looks like on the admin panel (which is fine the way it is):
Parent category (id=1)
Subforum (id=2)
Subforum (id=3)
Subforum (id=4)
Subforum (id=5)
Subforum (id=6)
Subforum (id=7)
How it looks on the forum page:
Parent category (id=1)
Subforum (id=6) Subforum (id=3)
Subforum (id=2) Subforum (id=7)
Subforum (id=5) Subforum (id=4)
How I need it to look:
Parent category (id=1)
Subforum (id=2) Subforum (id=3)
Subforum (id=6)
Selecting on Subforum (id=3) shows:
Subforum (id=3)
Subforum (id=4) Subforum (id=5)
Is there any kind of solution to this? It seems like on the discussion board, there was supposed to be an update that resolved this, but that was 19 months ago...
Link: https://wpforo.com/community/general-discussions/display-only-root-forums-or-categories/#post-25946