Hi @2ndlifeclub-com . If the original question in your original post here is resolved, you can mark this as solved (it's the "check mark" at the bottom right corner of your original post above), so that the wpForo Support Team can also "Close the topic". (This will also help the Forum Admin to monitor which issues are resolved, and which ones are still open).
Just a tidbit of info, keeping a forum topic open, will cause future responses to it to also generate automated responses to all the participants of the forum thread, unless they "unsubscribe".
And then for any other additional topics or questions, that you may have, you can create a new Topic in the "Add Topic" of the Main Forum. Our conversation here has about 27 replies, and it would be difficult to follow the conversation, and your next question will get drowned by our earlier conversations. 🙂
I responded to your NEW question on the new topic you created here. 🙂