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wpForo 1.x.x [Solved] How do I add members?

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Hi there - 

I was wondering what others are using for membership?  I downloaded the buddypress and set it up however I don't think I did it right as no one knows how to register.  Is there a plug in or something easier?

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my website is


I'll take any suggestions in improving my site 🙂

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@2ndlifeclub-com I suggest you also put a recaptcha on your registration page.  🙂 

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Hi @2ndlifeclub-com 

Are you using the wpForo Forum?  Here's the best place to start to learn more:

Good luck and God bless you.  🙂  

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Yes that link was very helpful, it's what allowed me to get it to where it is today, I just can't figure out the members side of it.

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@2ndLifeClub.  For some reason your page was not loading up on my Chrome browser, earlier.  🙁  But now I see it.  🙂 NICE!  

however I don't think I did it right as no one knows how to register. 

Did you activate the wpForo Registration? Because I do not see a "Register" on your Forum Menu: 

To do that: 

  1. Go to Forum Dashboard
  2. Select Features tab
  3. Select YES
  4. Enable User Registration email confirmation (If you have enabled this option, after registering, user can not login without confirming the email.)
  5. Select YES
  6. I don't have BuddyPress, so I just selected NO to all BuddyPress settings in that page.  
  7. Then click UPDATE OPTIONS at the bottom.  

Good luck!  🙂

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Woops ... @2ndlifeclub-com okay now I see where your Register button is.  It's at the way top left. (It's easy to overlook because of the color behind a dark background)  

So if I may suggest, you can just use the wpForo Log in Page and Register Page, it is at the same Tab (steps 1 to 8) above, 

Replace Registration Page URL to Forum Registration Page URL

and Replace Login Page URL to Forum Login Page URL

Select both settings to YES

Then Update button. 


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The "Register" link should appear on your wpForo Menu, but in case it doesn't,  you can just edit your current Menu by going to

1. WP Dashboard

2. Appearance

3. Menu

4. Then on the Select a menu to edit, select wpForo Navigation (wpForo Menu) 

5. Add Custom Link

6. URL Box:


7. Navigation Label


8. Then below, on the Menu Settings, On the Display location, 

9. Check the wpForo Menu

10. then Save Menu

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I don't see the wpforo navigation (wpForo Menu), I get main menu (footer...) and wpforo Navigation (primarty) and then no custom link option.  I think this is what is confusing me 🙂

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Hi @2ndlifeclub-com . Okay, I'm understanding it better.  

There's two different Menu's, that we will work on separately:
1) "Main Menu" - check "Primary Navigation" in Display location (at the bottom).
2) "wpForo Menu" - check "wpForo Menu" in Display location (at the bottom).  

With your current setting, The Main Menu is in the wrong "Display location", that's why the wpForo Menu defaults are not showing. So let's split that first. I'm attaching the screenshot.  

The custom link option has a down arrow on the left, that expands when you click it. 🙂 

Let's work on Main Menu first.  🙂 

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So for the part 2, your wpForo Menu.  🙂 

Attaching screenshot for that: 

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IN CASE you wanted to create a new wpForo Menu, here's a link to that step by step (in case it gets messed up, like I messed it up when I started & tinkered with it, that's how I ended up knowing how to do it.  🙂 

Here's the thread:

Good luck!  🙂 

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I love that you are challenging me and so grateful for your help!  I don't get the same options as you do on your screen.  I only have 2 menu options for WpForo and here is what pops up when I choose them.

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these are the only options and pop up i get

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You are so awesome!  I did a screenshot of my current.  I'm sorry I'm just a little confused and you are great at helping but i'm not sure are you saying.

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Hi @2ndlifeclub-com .  Thanks for sharing that image, it makes it easier for me to figure out my own suggestions for you!  🙂 

I leave those settings blank (I'm attaching my image here of my settings).  And then I do what I suggested above.   

I'll attach it below first.  

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 @2ndlifeclub-com - And here's the settings I have, just using wpForo, with no BBPress or Ultimate Member.    My suggestions above, copy pasting below:  

Replace Registration Page URL to Forum Registration Page URL

and Replace Login Page URL to Forum Login Page URL

Select both settings to YES

Then Update button. 

This is where it is.  Attaching screenshot.  



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And I made the above suggestions because this is what I noticed on your site.  So my suggestions above apply to this attached screenshot of your website.  You can add the "Register" and Login" on your Forum Menu, after you have enabled it to be used on the settings  . 

Replace Registration Page URL to Forum Registration Page URL and

and Replace Login Page URL to Forum Login Page URL

Select both settings to YES

Then Update button. 

Good luck!  🙂 

P.S. Add a reCaptcha to your Registration Page.  🙂

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Can I pay you to do it for me?  I messed it all up and now have weird stuff like this 

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Can I pay you to do it for me?  I messed it all up and now have weird stuff like this 

Huh?  Pay me?  My help is not for sale.  🙂  It's more fun if you do it!  And you can do it!  You've gone this far!  🙂 

And your attached image - that's not weird stuff, lol!   🙂 It's called "Breadcrumbs", it works like a folder / subfolder / links for your forum posts.  You can also enable and disable that in the "Features" tab, same with the RSS feeds, too.

 (I responded to you above in one thread, so we both don't get confused which to reply to.  :- ) Good luck & God bless you! 

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Posted by:

I love that you are challenging me and so grateful for your help!  I don't get the same options as you do on your screen.  I only have 2 menu options for WpForo and here is what pops up when I choose them.


Posted by:

these are the only options and pop up i get


Hi @2ndlifeclub-com -

While you are on the "wpForo Navigation Menu", make sure you are triggering it to appear on your site, by going to the corresponding "Display location" and checking the corresponding box, and then clicking Save Menu.

Attaching image on where it is. 🙂 

And then I am just quoting here too, my other suggestions from the above thread (it looked to me like I went all over the place, so I will put here the other suggestions as well in one post. 🙂  - I'm fairly new to do the "Threaded Layout" and have been using the "Extended Layout" in my forum). 


Posted by: CrisW

IN CASE you wanted to create a new wpForo Menu, here's a link to that step by step (in case it gets messed up, like I messed it up when I started & tinkered with it, that's how I ended up knowing how to do it.  🙂 

Here's the thread:

Good luck!  🙂 





Posted by: CrisW

@2ndlifeclub-com I suggest you also put a recaptcha on your registration page.  🙂 


Good luck! See? You can do it! 🙂


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You are so awesome...this was totally out of my comfort space but thanks to you I'm doing it...thank you!  For the registration I have the link, as the admin where do I find the members and emails (behind the scenes) and to login it bring me to my homepage

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You are so awesome...this was totally out of my comfort space but thanks to you I'm doing it...thank you!  For the registration I have the link, as the admin where do I find the members and emails (behind the scenes) and to login it bring me to my homepage

You are welcome @2ndlifeclub-com . Yay!  Bye-bye comfort zone!  My solution to my own self-doubts (and I have a ton!) is to re-frame my line of questioning for the things I don't know yet.  Instead of saying "I can't" I ask myself, "How can I".  And that's the tip I share with everyone. That mind-trick would open our brains to creativity and solution seeking.  (Where focus goes, energy flows) Because in my study of HCI (Human Computer Interaction) - I realized that all this web technology that surrounds us, is only 50% tech skills & expertise in technology,  and 50% psychology.  So people who treat developers horribly or rudely, are actually shooting themselves in the foot.  They're making it awfully difficult for the tech people to be nice to them or to help them, since the psychology part has been compromised - "the seeker of help" already pissed off the "giver of help".  LOL!  That's why there's a lot of unanswered tech questions, even in our own tech world outside of this forum.  So I say, be nice to developers! They're people with feelings too. 🙂 

And I digressed... now going back to you, CONGRATS!   You're making it happen!  🙂 

(In tech speak, "Behind the scenes" - is the "Back End", or "Admin area" of a website, and "Front End" means the way your website looks to the internet world)

From your screenshot, what you see is the "Show Admin Bar for Members" functionality that you can switch on or off by selecting NO. 

1. Just go to the WP Admin area, (Back End)

2. at the Top Bar, you will see "Forum Dashboard"

3. Click Settings

4. Select the Features tab,

5. On the "Show Admin Bar for Members" row, select NO

6. Then scroll way down to the bottom

7. Click Update Options.

8. Then look up to the Top Black Bar again on your page, and select "Forum Dashboard" Again

9. Click "Visit Forum" to go to the "Front end" of your forum.  

10.  Remember that the WP Admin will always be visible to you as the admin of your website.  Another TIP:  So if you want to see how it looks like to others, "right-click" on your mouse, and then you can select "Open link in incognito window" (using the Chrome Browser).  

And then so here is where you "jazz up" the rest of your wpForo Forum! (I had to read that several times, and test it on my forum, until it all clicked in my brain, so remember to be patient with yourself as you are learning something new) 🙂

I will borrow this image from wpForo for this post (if you click the image below, it should open a new tab so you can see the full and bigger picture):

And thank you for your kind words @2ndlifeclub-com .  I am not awesome.  wpForo , it's developers and the wpForo Support Team, are the ones who are awesome for building all of this up for all of us! 🙂  

Good luck and God bless you.  🙂 

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Good morning...I’m now I have it set up but when I try to login it doesn’t provide a form and brings me to my home page. Is there something I missed in the set up?  I removed the buddypress as I thought that might be creating issues. 

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Hi @2ndlifeclub-com,

Please navigate to Dashboard > Forums > Settings > Members admin page make sure the value of the Login URL field is empty.

More info here:

Also please Navigate to Dashboard > Appearance > Menus admin page, select wpForo Navigation (wpForo Menu), make sure the shortcode for login is correct: 

  • Login: /%wpforo-login%/

More info here:

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I do have it set up like you suggest. Also when people sign up they become a user

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Anyone?  People are emailing how to sign up and I can’t help, yet

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