Hi there
How does wpForo form SEO friendly URLs? Are URLs stored in a db table?
If two posts have same title, how are the URLs managed?
Hi @mplusplus,
wpForo SEO based on main SEO components:
- SEO Friendly URLs
- Meta Title for forums and topics (and other pages)
- Auto-generated Meta Description for forums and topics (and other pages)
- Open Graph and Social Engine SEO tags.
- Well formatted and SEO friendly content structure.
You can check it for wpforo.com. It's being indexed very well, you can see new topics and posts in Google result after 1-2 hours (use time tool in search result).
More info about wpForo SEO:
Are URLs stored in a db table?
The category, forum, topic slugs are stored in the DB tables.ย
If two posts have same title, how are the URLs managed?
If you have more then one topic with the same title, it'll concat a -2, -3, etc. at the end of the slug.ย
For example:
1. Missing Font Awesome Icons: https://wpforo.com/community/how-to-and-troubleshooting-2/missing-font-awesome-icons/
2. Missing Font Awesome Icons: https://wpforo.com/community/how-to-and-troubleshooting-2/missing-font-awesome-icons-2/