My developer is having problems adding a banner to the top of the main page. Is there any particular way to do this?
Hi @rburwell,
As we understand you use the wpForo Ads Manager add-on. If yes please register and open a new support topic in the gVectors.com support forum. This is the wpForo support forum, here we only support the core wpForo plugin.
Im only using the embed and attachment plugins. Im trying to add my custom logo to the header instead of the name that shows up. My developer cant seem to add it and make it stay. Is there a way or trick that we arent seeing? You can check it out at www.ProTrucker.Net
Hi @rburwell,
You can add your logo, and most WordPress Themes have that functionality. You can check this by going to
- WordPress Dashboard
- Appearance
- Customize
- Site Identity
- Logo - this is where you can upload your logo.
- Click the "publish" button.
- Then on the Front End press Control Key + F5 to refresh the page.
Good luck and God bless you! 🙂
Thanks for the help. My designer uploaded our banner and it appears. Now the problem is the size of the banner is limited, no matter how large the banner actually is. Is there a way to change this? The banner would look better on the header if it was a bit bigger.