I want to add 2 banners as show in picture attached.
Let me know how to do this? Let me know what files I should edit ?
Also please let me know if that is possible to embed YouTube video in forum post?
When I click code <> and put code there and publish post. Post not displaying.
Thank you in advance!
I want to add 2 banners as show in picture attached.
You should use wpForo theme API to add new items and customize:
wpForo theme files contain the markup and template structure for frontend of your forum. Theme files can be found within the /wpforo/wpf-themes/ directory, in current active theme folder, for example /classic/. You can edit these files in an upgrade-safe way using overrides. For example, copy the certain or all files of /classic/ folder into a folder within your current active WordPress theme named /wpforo/, keeping the same file structure.
And add or change whatever you want in this file. The copied file will now automatically override the wpForo default theme file. All changes in this file will not be lost on forum update.
Also please let me know if that is possible to embed YouTube video in forum post?
wpForo has a paid addon for this called wpForo Embeds.