I installed the latest version of the forum on a completely different domain and now I get the link, but not to the page where I can set the password, only to the wordpress login page!
Username: kasia1
To set your password, visit the following address:
What's wrong with this script is that it's still a problem with registration...
Does it work for someone ??
Nothing wrong with the script (wpForo).
Apparently something to do with your WP, some plugin, or this W3TC you use in all pages. W3TC object caching, database caching, minifications ... Why are you doing all that, even within wpForo ?
I turned off all plugins, including caching ones, but I still had a problem. However, I found the option to disable the need for email confirmation and that's enough for me. Nobody suggested it to me before. I was sure that registration is required 🙂