At one time I had my forum set up so that I must pre-approve new registrations via email. Somehow that got changed to auto approval without my needing to give permission.
I keep getting spammed by the same person that uses The number keeps changing.
Is there a way to prevent a particular email starting with fish* to not be approved?
Or add a feature that if the first and last name are the same, its not approved.
Or a way to NOT allow a new registrant to become an automatic member by requiring me to manually approve them via email ?
This is the same guy spamming my forum too!!!
Anyone else using Wpforo also getting this? Maybe it is related to this somehow?
Hover over "Forum Dashboard" in the top admin bar
In the drop down menu click tools
There is a tab there for debug. You can enter a members number and it shows you info about them
Was no debug under tools but I did find this tool on the Inet and added WP-Ban plug in. Once this AH spams again (should not take long) I will have his email and use this tool to get his IP.
Then I can add that to the WP-Ban plug in I just installed.
Hopefully that will be the end of that.
Please read the #3 and #4 point of this topic: