We have a WP site that is in Arabic (RTL), but we want to have private wpForo forums in English and completely LTR (posts as well as forum UI). Does anyone have a possible custom CSS snippet that will do this for us? Thanks in advance! This would apply to all wpForo forums, not selectively.
Hi @ksrobichaux,
Please follow the steps below:
1. Go to the Dashboard > Forums > Phrases admin page, translate the prases in the language you need.
2. Go to the Dashboard > Forums > Settings > Styles admin page, put the following CSS code in the "Custom CSS Code" textarea.
#wpforo #wpforo-wrap *{
direction: ltr !important;
Don't forget to delete all caches and press CTRL+F5(twice) on the frontend before checking.
Also, I've found the following link, it may help you, please check it out: https://codex.wordpress.org/Right_to_Left_Language_Support
Thank you! That helps a lot. I'm not getting LTR in the posts themselves, but at least the forum UI is right. That will work for our purposes since these are private forums for internal discussions. I may be able to override the CSS for the posts themselves, if I can find the code for that.
Thanks again!