On my forum I have an issue during each page loading.
The forum is there: https://tennis2table.com/forum
As you can see, the page begins to be loaded with a lot of space betwwen the elements and with a font that seems to be something like arial.
Here are attached two print screen of the first step and second step of the loading.
I have ran a loading test on google tool, the result not good :-/
Test made here: https://developers.google.com/speed/pagespeed/insights/?hl=fr&url=https%3A%2F%2Ftennis2table.com%2Fforum
There is for example 1230ms of lost time on the loading of the google maps api, although there is no map used in our forum. How can I remove this?
It seems that there is clearly an issue with the fonts too, 730ms are lost on the loading of fonts Lato from google.
The result is not very good when I run the test for this page too...
The google fonts were disabled in the theme Extra of the wordpress site, that was causing the ugly resizing of the font.
I still have the performance issue by the way
If you do have performance issues, then try to find the cause of it. It could simply be that you need to upgrade your hosting plan.
Also installing Autoptimize could help you a bit and works 100% ok with wpForo.