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wpForo 1.x.x [Closed] Limit who can Answer Questions in Q&A format

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2 Users
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Posts: 25
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Joined: 6 years ago

Is there a way to limit who can answer questions in a Q&A format forum. For instance, can I limit subscribers to only commenting and not answering questions. I would like the moderator to be able to answer questions only. Not sure if this is possible. Please let me know.

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Posts: 10587
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Joined: 9 years ago


As you may already know, forum permissions are granted to users Usergroup for each forum in Edit Forum Settings. The set of forum permissions are called Forum Accesses. You can find all those in documentation and manage those in Forums > Settings > Forum Accesses admin page.

The Standard forum accesses is granted to the Registered (default) usergroup. You can edit this forum accesses and manage permissions. At the moment there are "Can reply" and "Can answer on own question" permissions which can be helpful for your case. But we don't have separate "Can answer" and "Can comment" permissions yet. We'll add those in future releases.