Thank you wolfpup64,
there was a wrong variable name, i just updated, please use the updated code.
Oh sorry man, I realized I actually screwed up. Because I'm trying to link from a user's BuddyPress profile to the same user's wpForo page, I actually need a way to link from the currently displayed user's page. I'm a total noob at this stuff. I managed to create the tab by bogarting some code from some other support page, however the link is directed by a slug and if I remove the slug the whole tab disappears. It took me a while to find something that worked. Heres the code I'm using, located in mu-plugin:
function add_communityprofile_tab() { global $bp; bp_core_new_nav_item( array( 'name' => 'Community', 'slug' => 'communityprofile', 'parent_url' => $bp->displayed_user->domain, 'parent_slug' => $bp->profile->slug, 'screen_function' => 'communityprofile_screen', 'position' => 200, 'default_subnav_slug' => 'communityprofile'
add_action( 'bp_setup_nav', 'add_communityprofile_tab', 100 );
and I tried using this bit to link up to the wpForo page:
function communityprofile_screen() { bp_core_redirect( site_url( '/community/profile/'.bp_displayed_user_username() ) );
But it just links up to the wpForo main site page.
The url of the BuddyPress profile pages is:
What I'm trying to link up to is:
ah, somebody on the BuddyPress forum figured it out for i just have to get it in the right place.