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[Closed] Make likes more prominent?

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Is it possible to make the likes icons stand out more. I can barely see if I have liked a post or not. Maybe the thumbs up icon should be "filled" (fully blue) or something. I sometimes need to click several times to make sure I've actually liked a post. Cheers.

Also, when I "react" to a post, it doesn't say "you reacted" until I reload the page, which makes it even more unclear. I dunno why that is. Don't think it's supposed to be like that?

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Hi @danniee,

Please provide your Forum URL.

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@chris is this thread set to private?

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I guess you have not exclude the wpForo pages correctly from WP Rocket
that's why you have the other problem > Ads Manager plugin breaks cache

read > Heads-up: wpForo 2.0 has new cache excludes

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@tutrix nah, it's not that. I already have added it long time ago to WP Rocket and I don't have problems with any other addons.

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Posted by: @danniee

Maybe the thumbs up icon should be "filled" (fully blue)

add this to custom css

#wpforo #wpforo-wrap .wpf-current-reaction.wpf-react-up i.fa-thumbs-up {
  font-weight: bold;

Dashboard > Forums > Settings > Colors & Styles (Custom CSS)

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@tutrix thanks, will try. But I suspect this will only make the thumb thicker and not fully blue? I really think they should make this more obvious (IMO). It's like the private button here, it's not immediately obvious if it's set to private or not.

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Posted by: @tutrix
Posted by: @danniee

Maybe the thumbs up icon should be "filled" (fully blue)

add this to custom css

#wpforo #wpforo-wrap .wpf-current-reaction.wpf-react-up i.fa-thumbs-up {
  font-weight: bold;

Dashboard > Forums > Settings > Colors & Styles (Custom CSS)

Do you know how to do this for the new theme? It worked for the old, but not the new theme for me.

EDIT: nevermind, when I switched theme, the old css I added disappeared, so I needed to add it back. Weird.

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It's so odd, sometimes when I click like it says "you reacted" and other times nothing. I have to reload the page instead. I have turned off forum caching. Dunno why it behaves like this.

I use both cloudflare (I have added page rules) and Redis if that is of interest.

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