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wpForo 1.x.x [Closed] Make SEO work for each page

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How do you make SEO work for each of your topic page? 

For example in my current forum this is one of the post:

But when I search "Funny physical therapists on youtube" the forum website does not pop up.


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We've done nothing. wpForo has a built-in powerful SEO system. It works fine on our forum. But it's totaly crashed on your forum. I don't see wpForo SEO because you've installed two SEO plugins and made ton's of conflicts in your website SEO and in forum SEO. I see you have two active SEO plugins:

  • SEO Framework
  • Yoast SEO plugin

Please deactivate one of those. Delete all caches and let me know. I'll check if the wpForo SEO starts to work. If you only keep the SEO Framework, it should overwrite wpForo SEO and also work well.

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Thank you Rob yes I deleted Yoast and the cache. Please let me know if it works now or I need to take any additional actions. 

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I use DELUCKS SEO plugin, may this also cause conflict to Forum SEO, because my forums do show on search engine completely

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Posted by: khuang

Thank you Rob yes I deleted Yoast and the cache. Please let me know if it works now or I need to take any additional actions. 

I don't think it works well. Try to activate Yoast SEO and deactivate the SEO Framework. The SEO Framework inserts title in description tag, it doesn't work as original wpForo SEO. If you activate the Yoast SEO wpForo will overwrite Yoast on forum page, and in non-forum pages you'll have Youast SEO. I think this is the best way. We use it here on wpForo community.

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Hi Rob, got it now I am disabling both. Is that better now? And how are you effectively evaluating the SEO on my site?

Thank you so much!

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Posted by: macbethm


I use DELUCKS SEO plugin, may this also cause conflict to Forum SEO, because my forums do show on search engine completely

I see wpForo SEO works fine on your forum, but I don't see SEO components on non-forum pages. So in other words I don't see effect of this plugin, it does nothing in page header, there is no any SEO meta data.