Also please check if the _wpforo_profile and WordPress _users tables has the same number of rows. wpForo should generate profiles in _wpforo_profile table based on WordPress _users table.
Yes, users and profile tables match.
I think it's a plugin conflict problem then I've installed it on another website that has a very plain and simple theme and it's giving the same problem. But I use the same plugins on that website.
Do you think it could perhaps be a server related issue (with my web host?)
It's working now, it was the following plugin:
Thank you for pointing me in a direction, I never thought about checking plugins, I thought I installed and configured the forum incorrectly.
Kind Regards
You don't need to deactivate this plugin, it's good to have activated, just navigate to WP Super Cache settings > Advanced Tab and check/enable "Don’t cache pages for known users" option.
Thank you, it's working now, with that plugin.