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wpForo 1.x.x [Solved] Members having problems posting /loging out

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So some members are saying when trying to post its telling me to log in when there already logged in ?

then they also saying if they do get to post its loggin them out ?


im very confused over this

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Posts: 1861
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Hi @lvlasked,

It seems there is a plugin conflict.

Could you please deactivate the plugins one by one and check after each deactivation to find the problem maker one.

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thats going to be very hard as only 2-3 of them our having the problem and none of them live near me and trying to be on at the same time as they are it very hard to do so 🙁

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Posts: 1861


We need to check it yourself. So please register some new testing user(or already existing user) and leave the user's login details with your forum URL here. 

I've set the topic private, so the login details can be left without any worries.

Also please make sure the issue exists.

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@alvina hello sorry its took me a while to get back to you i have been very ill, its only 2-3 members getting this problem i will send a username and password in a min but i have signed up 2 times and not had this problem

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Username: tester1

Password: ci4(ArPN4&39yvMpxBXZcwjU

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Posts: 1861


You forgot to leave your forum URL.

 ...its only 2-3 members getting this problem i will send a username and password in a min but i have signed up 2 times and not had this problem

Also, please make sure the issue exists, otherwise, we cannot check and try to understand the reason of the issue.

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how can i make sure the issuse exist is i dont get the problem ? its 3-4 people on there site they get the problem.

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Posts: 1861


We've just checked and don't find such an issue. See the testing topic below:

We're really sorry but in this case, we can help you. It is impossible to find the reason of the issue when we don't see the issue(the issue is not present).

We just can suggest you deactivate the plugins one by one and check after each deactivation to find the problem maker one, as I already mentioned in the post above.

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yes i have said this to the people my self that i carnt fix somthing that dosnt happen to me if there is no bug being reported it only happens too 3 people and as there miles away i carnt go to there pc and check my self