Date of the post? Schedule post? ID of a page with links? The software doesn't let me delete?
Date of post, like when it was published. I change the date of the old post, to today dates, that sent it into a schedule for some reason
Schedule: a post that is writtenΒ bu not published yet. It is set to be published at a certain time and is in a queue, but not liveΒ
The plug in, will no let me delete the page "community" with the page ID of 6*** again can't remember the number straight off, you can see in the video the number i mean πΒ
Hope this helps explain what i meanΒ
Percy what POST? Are you talking for a PAGE? What is a post used for? Sorry, i do not follow.
Do you have the wpForo shortcode in a post?
Could you please forget about that PageID? Have you deleted wpForo cache in Dashboard > Forums > Dashboard admin page? There is a button [Delete All Caches] you should click it if you change the forum page slug.
Also, I don't see any problem on your forum. All URLs goes to /forum/ pages. Leave some example URL which redirects to wrong page.
ok, the on circled in read "cannabis growers forum" is the page the plug in made today
I have taken the code of the old page ( circled in blue, now called cannabis growing forum)) and added it to this new page until i can get the old on working againΒ
SO it looks the same and it works.
But look at the links!!!!! in the circles
The new one, in red, only has around 60.
The original page, in blue, has 1176 incoming links
I have changed the urls of both pages, but the links coming into the page number isn't changing. It seems as if when i change the url of the older one, in blue, the links that link to it get changed too.Β
SO even though all of those links used to point to "" they do not now.Β
Other wise they would be pointing at the new page. in red.
Apparently he now sees some problem in there
This was the main problem all along mate. It wouldn't be a problem if the links moved to the new page, but they seem to be stuck to the old one.
And yes its yeost plug in.
Thanks for your help lads. One button lciked and all this mess started. Just because i refreshed the date of the page!!Β
I wont be doing that again lol