I don't know if that was admin user but we had a user login details sent by you to gVectors Team 1-2 weeks ago. A simple user also can add/delete reply. We didn't checked it in admin so i can't say exactly.
That's great, thank you, very happy with the fix 🙂
That's not available yet. You can do that in database.
- Find the target TopicID in _wpforo_topic table ,
- Get the ForumID of this topic as well.
- Find the post you'd like to move in _wpforo_posts table
- Change TopicID and ForumID column values
Robert, I confirmed that after all wpforo caches are deleted that the post can be merged into another topic. This is wonderful . Q now is when will a simple interface be added to wpforo to do this in a simple manner? Ie:
- move a single post into another topic
- merge a whole topic's posts into another topic + add their view counts
That's not available yet. You can do that in database.
- Find the target TopicID in _wpforo_topic table ,
- Get the ForumID of this topic as well.
- Find the post you'd like to move in _wpforo_posts table
- Change TopicID and ForumID column values
robert, while this works, it's a pain to manually do these updates. There have been several requests for a 'merge' topics feature.
Can the team please prioritize this feature? Even a rudimentary interface that you give two topics to merge, identify which topic is to remain.
In the backend, wpforo needs to update the post topicIDs, post count against the topic and last modified date updated, one topic deleted and the forum cache updated.
That's what I do manually with the phpadmin GUI and it works.
Otherwise near-identical topics can be started on a busy forum from users who may have not read the previous similar thread leading to fragmented discussion across multiple topics.
The "Move Reply to other Topic" will be available in 1.3.2 or 1.3.3 within this month. But I have no information abut "Topic Merge", it's not in top of our to-do list.