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wpForo 1.x.x [Closed] Multisite install, can not add attachments

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I have this plugin running on my small community website for a few friends, but I tried getting it up and running on a website for a non-profit we are forming and we can not get the 'Attach File' section to show up.

I've checked each of the user group settings, they all have the check box ticked so they should be allowed, unsure if I am missing something?

Many thanks

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Ah, I think it was because this was the first post by the user and they needed approval?

Can I turn that off somehow? We are a private community so it's fine to let everyone post fully for the first time... 🙂 

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Ok, so the admin can attach, but even an approved member can not.

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Yes, you should also make sure the new registered user is allowed to attach a file (min number of posts) by wpForo Spam Control in Dashboard > Forums > Tools > Antispam > New Registered Users Tab.

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Posted by: tickthegeek

Ok, so the admin can attach, but even an approved member can not.

Approved or not is doesn't matter. The user should have minimum number of posts before be able to attache a file. You can set it 1 or 0 in Dashboard > Forums > Tools > Antispam > New Registered Users Tab.

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I did find another issue related to this process, hence the necro reply.. I set the image size limit to 7mb and was moving along fine, but then a user came across an image that would not upload despite being only 3mb. I got a copy of the image and my admin account was not able to upload it either, with the forum displaying a green message box about the image size.

Are there further settings beyond image size that need to be set? 

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