Apr 06, 2018 8:43 pm
On my Forum the emojis look different than they do on the wpForo Forum. You have many more options and they appear as the emoji in the post area when you click on them. On my Forum they appear as symbols when you click one and there are only a few options. I have the utf8mb4_unicode_ci character set.
See the attached screenshots of my forum.
2 Replies
Apr 09, 2018 11:27 am
HiΒ khal,
1. It seems you use some advanced plugin, that may have an effect on emojisΒ views
2. Also, please note thatΒ emojisΒ are handled and display differently by operating systems and web browsers
Apr 10, 2018 7:43 pm
Thank you!! Β That plugin was the problem. It's working nowΒ 😀Β