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wpForo 1.x.x [Solved] My javascript was blocked by wpforo

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Hi guys I made a code java script that works; here he is to change his style.CSS 🙂 !

<div class="livedemo">
<script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>
<h2>Live Demo 1</h2>
<a href='javascript:AnythingPopup_OpenForm("AnythingPopup_BoxContainer","AnythingPopup_BoxContainerBody","AnythingPopup_BoxContainerFooter","600","600");'><button> Style chooser </button></a>
<h2>Live Demo 2</h2>
<a href='javascript:AnythingPopup_OpenForm("AnythingPopup_BoxContainer","AnythingPopup_BoxContainerBody","AnythingPopup_BoxContainerFooter","700","600");'><img src="" alt=""></a>
<div id="AnythingPopup_BoxContainer" style="display: none; top: 942.5px; left: 340px;">
<div id="AnythingPopup_BoxContainerHeader">
<div id="AnythingPopup_BoxTitle"><div class="sty">StyleChooser</div>
<div id="AnythingPopup_BoxTitle"><div class="ALP">
Sélectionnez le style dans lequel ce site doit être affiché</div>
<div id="AnythingPopup_BoxContainerBody"><script type="text/javascript">
function switchStyle(style){
document.getElementById("mycss").setAttribute("href", style);
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="mafeuilledestylepardefaut.css" id="mycss" />
<button onclick="switchStyle('mafeuilledestylealternative.css')">Scratch</button>
<script type="text/javascript">
function switchStyle(style){
document.getElementById("UUX").setAttribute("href", style);
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="" id="UUX" />
<button onclick="switchStyle('')">UUX</button>
<script type="text/javascript">
function switchStyle(style){
document.getElementById("TACTICAL").setAttribute("href", style);
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="" id="TACTICAL" />
<button onclick="switchStyle('')">Tactical</button> <ol class="primaryContent chooserColumns twoColumns overlayScroll">
<div id="AnythingPopup_BoxContainerFooter" style="visibility:visible;"><div id="AnythingPopup_BoxClose"><a href="javascript:AnythingPopup_HideForm('AnythingPopup_BoxContainer','AnythingPopup_BoxContainerFooter');"><input type="submit" class="wpf-search" value="Cancel"></a></div></div></div>

I integrated it in My footer to see HERE ; He walks but when I'm on the forum [WpForo] he does not do anything he does not walk I would like to know why he does not walk 🙁 I hope that I explain clearly, if WPforo blocks this thank you for telling me how the unlock FAST !! Please


IF IT A PAGE : http//  IT WORKS But not 🙁 

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please answer my question and my problem please :/

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Hi PierreLedeveloppeur,

I'm really sorry but I can't find time for debugging this code, this is out of our support. We don't support custom code issues.

Posts: 17
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Joined: 6 years ago

please follow me @Robert not to block this code is a POPUP we have the right to add it however I do not know why you blocked it ...

Posts: 17
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and I would like to enter your team of developer I am only 11 years old I create all this and I can open myself to you and give my services! and I hope that you will find this bug very quickly and correct it! my best fillings

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