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wpForo 1.x.x [Closed] New registered user manual approve first post and spacebar not working in text field

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By activating 'posts must be manually approved' for new users.

Is this the first post?
Or the first 24hrs?

After whatpointdothepostsgetautomaticallyapproved?

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Hi @stocksforum,

The option gets its value from the previews option. This means that if you set the value 5  for the "User is New (under hard spam control) during first  X posts" option, the new user's first five posts must be manually approved. 

Please note: these options don't affect users whose Usergroup has "Can edit member" and "Can pass moderation" permissions.

I'd suggest you read this article it should be helpful for you:

About your second question, please tell me a little more about the issue? And when exactly are you running into this issue?

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Posts: 135

Ok, so if I set it to 1, then after I approve the first post, the new user can post and it will automatically show up?

That's how I would like it to function. 
Does that mean for 'Posts must be manually approved', should it be set to yes or no?

As for the second thing, I'm not sure why but sometimes when typing in here the space bar stops working. It's not an error with my laptop as it works 100% everywhere else, but not sure what causes it on here in wpForo either. Just worried it may happen on my forum.

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Posts: 135

'Can pass moderation' is ticked for members of the forum. 
Does that mean I should untick it?

'Can edit member' is currently unticked. However I do want people to be able to edit their own profiles in terms of image and setting a should I tick it?

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Joined: 7 years ago


Ok, so if I set it to 1, then after I approve the first post, the new user can post and it will automatically show up? Does that mean for 'Posts must be manually approved', should it be set to yes or no?

Yes, this is correct. And you should set the value of the 'Posts must be manually approved" option "yes". 

'Can pass moderation' is ticked for members of the forum. 
Does that mean I should untick it?

Yes, those options don't affect users whose Usergroup has "Can edit member" and "Can pass moderation" permissions.

'Can edit member' is currently unticked. However I do want people to be able to edit their own profiles in terms of image and setting a should I tick it?

We recommend enabling the 'Can edit member' permission for high-level users, admin, moderator, etc.  

As for the second thing, I'm not sure why but sometimes when typing in here the space bar stops working. It's not an error with my laptop as it works 100% everywhere else, but not sure what causes it on here in wpForo either. Just worried it may happen on my forum.

I'm sorry but we've never faced with such an issue. Also, please note wpForo uses the TinyMCE editor.