Only some of the forums are visible. They're in my admin but not the visible user list
2. How to colour the headers so i can distinguish 2 sections instead of blue
Hi @dallaz,
Thank you for using wpForo and for contacting us.
Only some of the forums are visible. They're in my admin but not the visible user list
Please note if a category (blue panels) does not have forums (grey panels) it will not be displayed on front-end. Each category should contain at least one forum.
More info here:
How to colour the headers so i can distinguish 2 sections instead of blue
I don't follow you well. Please clarify a bit.
where do i implement that?
#wpforo #wpforo-wrap .wpfl-2 .wpforo-category:nth-child(1){
Β Β Β background-color: #DD0000!important;
So if i use threaded layout. where do I copy and paste this?