Apr 24, 2019 5:12 pm
Now, I don't know if this is a bug or something else.
These pages are perfectly fine and stay aligned at the top.
- Forum, posts
- Members
- Recent posts
The following pages however seem to have a glitch.
- My Profile
- Account
- Subscription
- Activity
- Messages
Although they display well, these pages always "jump" down when first loaded rather than stay aligned at the top.
This only happens at the initial load of the page, afterwards I can scroll through the page no problem.
I create a short video to demonstrate. In it you'll see that
- I click on "member" and page loads fine and in proper position.
- I click on "account" and page jumps down upon loading so I have to scroll back up.
- I click on "subscription" and same thing happens.
Here's the video for it.
Thank you!
PS: Awesome work on this forum. Thank you for it!
4 Replies
Apr 24, 2019 7:03 pm
No bug or anything related to wpForo here.
This is a theme's problem. Somebody talented in css from this forum will probably help you out.